Tuesday, November 3, 2009

How much is too much?

SO this thought began on Friday night when I was walking around Allston to go to a 90s costume party. It seems as though there are women wearing less and less for costumes...I mean come on now have a bit of respect for yourself. It really unnerves me because this whole concept of "Sexy" seems to now go hand in hand with "trashy" Maybe it is because of the way I was raised, my mom never allowed outfits like that or maybe because women are starting to make themselves believe that for this one day you can dress like a slut and it's ok. Really it's not. It's offensive to us women who have worked our butts off to keep up in this male dominated world. These women are oppressing women and all the hurdles we have overcome since being granted the right to vote. I'm sure Susan B. Anthony is rolling in her grave over these poor choices certain women are making.

What happend to creativity? I mean I have to give my friends and I credit. We thought long and hard about the costumes we wanted to make and there were costumes my friends have that were sexy but in a tasteful manner. This creativity and tasteful sexiness won my friend Leslie $100. Why can't every woman subscribe to this mantra on Halloween. It would make this world a much better place.

Women seem to be putting their sexuality on a plate and thus getting themselves into trouble with the opposite sex. Make a man like you for who you are....not because you dress like trash for Halloween. If more women believed that their minds and personalities (along with their looks) really enticed a man's attention I honestly believe women would have fewer issues when it came to men and relationships.

Am I wrong? I mean I have had countless discussions with people on this subject and there are a number of these people who completely agree....seriously how much is too much???

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What Happend to People's Manners?

I don't know why but recently I have noticed that there are a lot more ill mannered people in this world than I realized. Let's take the simple little day to day things like office etiquette. People used to be curtious to their neighbors however lately it seems that there are far more people with poor manners than there are with good manners. I mean taking a conference call on speakerphone in your cubicle is one of the most disrespectful, uncurtious thing a person could do. Your neighbors around you are trying to work and it is not fair that when you are at your desk they have to throw on headphones to tune out your poor manners. I mean is it so hard to take the call in a conference room with your laptop if speakerphone is necessary? It's especially unnerving when there is no one enforcing office etiquette. I mean come on, I know you are much more valuable to the company than I may be but shouldn't that mean you should have a little bit more courtesy?

Another thing that really gets me is when you hold the door for someone and they just speed on pass without acknowledging your gesture, however if you did not hold the door for them you would be subject to their scowls and heavy sighs letting you know of their dis-satisfaction. I just do not understand what has happened in this world to cause people to be so rude. Maybe it is the way I was raised but I was taught to appreciate the nice things people do for you and to be kind and courteous. Maybe upbringing is the problem here...whatever the problem is I wish that people would take a moment and think about how they act and be more courteous...maybe then we would have a better world...maybe that is idealistic to say but I think I have said what a lot of people have thought


Funny things happen when you graduate. Things that were important inside the walls of a lecture hall or classroom become un-important, cast to the dark corners of the brain and other things set into your everyday thoughts. Instead of discussions of some of the famous classical authors and their novels your world revolves around deadlines, meeting requests, e-mails and data entry. Mediocrity become standard and thinking outside of the box and discussion possible plot themes is a thing of yesterday. Since I have graduated I cannot remember the last novel I set out to read or the last thing that I wrote that was meant anything. I don’t believe I had a muse that I could have lost and blame my lack of motivation to read or write on. I haven’t gone through anything traumatizing that would lead me to put away my pen and box up my books, leaving both to collect dust among the darkest corners of my room and attic. Why is it that we lose these desires to create and think and replace it with things that were not important while inside the walls of the institution which brought us to the job we possess today? How do we cast aside such passion and talent without even a second thought? Life takes over and consumes our time and energy into things that are mundane and unimportant.