Tuesday, February 5, 2013

New Year, More Blogging

I made it one of my New Year's resolutions to start writing more and seeing as how I have failed to get started, I feel today is the perfect day to get going.  So what have I been up to over the last 7 months you ask?  Well where do I begin?

2012 had a couple tough months in the end.  I realized that I hadn't confronted all of my issues from my breakup so I decided to face the music and work through the issues.  It ended up helping me realize that I am a strong, amazing person and can and will do anything I put my mind to.  It also helped that the guy I was seeing and I were starting to fall apart and time alone was just what I needed.  I realized that I am always the #2 in a relationship and give way too much leeway to the man in my life.  Well friends, no more.  If you want to be with me you need to accept me for me 100%.  I am not always the greatest person to be around but I am me and I am not changing that for anyone.  This realization came through many long nights and lots of tears but since then life has done nothing but open up for me!

2013 started off kicking butt.  I ran my best time in the Disney Half in January and it felt AMAZING!  My best friend cheered me along the route and was there waiting for me at the finish.  I think I may make it an annual trip.  Disney was a little tough at one point though because it reminded me of how my dreams have changed from this time last year to this time this year.   This time last year I was planning a wedding that just didn't feel right deep down.  I come to that realization now because everything I had planned was a dreadful experience, it just didn't feel right but I kept going because I though Steve was the best I could do in a partner.  I had thought that way for a long time, probably a good year and a half prior to his proposal but was too afraid to do something about it.  Lesson learned, follow your gut. This year I am following my own dreams, my own path.  I am running, something I love to do.  I am getting closer with the amazing friends I have.   I am living on my own, doing my own thing and loving every second of it.  So even though the thought of changed dreams got me down for a little bit, I realized it was the best thing that could have ever happened to me.  Had I still been planning my dreams of last year, I wouldn't truly have been myself.   I wouldn't be as happy as I am today and wouldn't be accomplishing these goals I set for myself.  So advice to you ladies out there that are struggling getting past that break up, stop.  Do something for yourself, set your own goals and when you do that life opens up immensely.  My book isn't finished yet, it is just beginning.