Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Hello 2014

Last year I decided that I was going to blog more, well here we are another year and I failed that resolution miserably.  However I am going to make more of an effort to set aside time and work on my blog this year.  Why you may ask?  Well because I miss writing and I feel like life is finally fitting into place and I want to share it with the world.

My life now is so incredible and I just feel so blessed every day when I wake up.  I have the best family, friends and boyfriend anyone could ask for.  I seriously would do anything for these people.  I have had some friendships that haven't made the cut or that have dissipated over the year.  Another one of life's hard lessons that suck at first but once you realize it was for the best, it helps make you a better stronger person.

What else happened last year, well I fell in love.  Not the kind of love like I blogged about on here before.  The love that you have to pinch yourself to believe it is real because you have never felt this way about any other person before in your life.  The kind of love that even though you seem to spend hours and days together doesn't seem like it is ever long enough.  The kind of love that makes you dizzy and at a loss for words LOVE.  So who is this man I speak of you ask?   He is probably one of the most amazing people I know.

Last November (2012) my great grandmother died and I had to attend her funeral on a Friday night.  I was nervous to go because me plus funerals is something that doesn't jive but ended up being a great service.  Why am I telling you this?  Because I almost didn't go to my friend Brian's birthday that night because I didn't know if I would be up for it.  I am glad I did because that night I met the love of my life.  He was the only non-Braintree friend there and I noticed him the instant I walked in.  I wasn't really looking for a relationship or to do anything but hang out with my friends so when we started talking, I was surprised he asked me for his number.  That night was a lot of fun and I am glad we were able to give Brian the birthday party he wanted!

Fast forward a few weeks we are talking regularly and getting to know each other.  And fast forward to today we are a year in and happy as ever.  He is the man I mentioned in 2012 that I was looking for.  He challenges me, he supports me, he loves me for me (the good and the bad).  I feel so blessed and fortunate every day I wake up. :)  so 2013 really was a great year but I think 2014 is going to be my year even more so than ever!

This year I am back to running after an injury that put me on a little hiatus.  I signed up to run the run to remember again so very excited about that.  I am hoping to become a manager at work and keep advancing up the career ladder (I hear you peak at your career by 35 so need to keep this train moving!) Also my big goal is to try new things that I usually wouldn't do because they would scare me.  New experiences are a huge goal of mine for this year.

Anyways, enough babble for now.  Until next time :)