Monday, June 18, 2012


I had quite the realization today, that I am really loving and enjoying life as it is now.  I am living and doing things for myself that define me, not me +1.  It's so invigorating!  I've never been happier in my entire life, even when I thought I was happy.  So you all are probably wondering what the heck I did to feel this incredible, well here it goes.....

So about six months ago my boot camp decided they were going to run the Ruckus race in Marshfield.  For those of you who do not know the Ruckus it is a mud race with obstacles.  I signed up with full intention of not doing 3/4 of the obstacles because I personally believed that I wasn't capable of doing them.  But over the last few months I have really gotten back into the healthy lifestyle and have gotten myself back into pretty good shape, so I felt more ready for this thing than before.  I received my email from the Ruckus a few days before the race and not going to lie, the obstacles detailed in that email made me freak out a little, but alas I sucked it up and got ready to Rock the Ruckus!  Saturday comes along and Beth (my trainer) and I head in there a little early to scope out the scene.  I got there and was AMPED!  The course looked awesome.  I felt totally bad ass even before I started.  Fast forward a couple hours, I get on the course and begin running with my friend Mike.  We get to the first obstacles no problem, through a cargo net, again no problem and then came the mud!  We made it a point to get so gross and covered in mud and that we did.  I'm so thankful for Mike too, he was such an encouraging partner to run with!  We finished with two of the other girls in our boot camp and OMG was it awesome.

So today I am siting at my desk talking to my friend Kathleen who got me into running and I started to cry talking to her about it.  I told her I found my thing, these races are my thing!  while I am saying this I start to tear up because I am so proud of myself for how far I've come.  Five months ago I was on the floor, not sure where to go, now I feel like I am better than ever with the wind back in my sails.  I feel like there is nothing I cannot do and I am so ready and excited to continue going.  I have amazing friends, an even more amazing and supportive family and just so much love surrounding me I could burst!  I love it.  This is what I was meant to do.  God gave me this path to show me I am better than what I was giving myself credit for.  That I am okay on my own and don't need someone else to define me as a person.  What I have accomplished from where I have come from is absolutely incredible and I am so excited to continue this new chapter in my life!!!!

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